Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037) is one of the foremost philosophers of the golden age of Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd. He is also known as al-Sheikh al-Rais (Leader among the wise men) a title that was given to him by his students. His philosophical works were one of the main targets of al-Ghazali’s attack on philosophical influences in Islam. In the west he is also known as the “Prince of Physicians” for his famous medical text al-Qanun “Canon”. In Latin translations, his works influenced many Christian philosophers, most notably Thomas Aquinas.
In Original Language (Arabic/Persian):
- Autobiography in Arabic Html
- Biography by his student in Arabic word file.
- Biography from Uyun al’anba fi tabaqat al-‘atibia’ by Ibn ‘abi asaiba’ (Arabic word file)
- Isharat wa-Tanbahat (Remarks and Admonitions) (ed. S. Dunya) Commentary by Nasirudeen at-Tusi:
- Volume 1: Logic (PDF, file size: 25000 kb)
- Volume 2: Physics (PDF, file size: 13100 kb)
- Volume 3: Metaphysics (PDF, file size: 8400 kb)
- Volume 4: Sufism (PDF, file size: 4601 kb)
- Kitab an-Najat (Book of Safety) (ed. M. Fakhry) (PDF, File size 9723 Kb)
- Somewhat edited e-text in word format. (1.2 megs) with hyperlinked table of contents
- Somewhat edited e-text in html format. (6.5 megs) with hyperlinked table of contents.
- Kitab al-mabda’ wa l-ma’ad (PDF, File size TBD Kb)
- Ishart (*Unedited e-text in word format) with commentary maybe by Tusi in four parts (from warraq):
- Kitab ash-Shifa (Book of Healing)
- Part 1: Ilhyat:
- Minor editing of e-text in word format. (from warraq) (1.2)
- Ilhyat in Arabic html format. (5.4 Megs) big file -with table of contents.
- Part 2: Psychology (Tabiyat: ilm an-Nafs) ed. Jan Bakos (PDF, file size: 18304kb) (link)
- Part 3: Logic madkhal – maqulat – maqiyas (Zipped in 3 Arabic word files) A gift from Mufid Dankali.
- Part 1: Ilhyat:
- Canon of Medicine (al-Qanun fi al-tibb). (link to complete 1593 edition) thanks to B. Ludvigsen & AUB.
- Kitab al-Hudud (livre des définitions) (Arabic-French) ed. (A. M. Goichon) (PDF, file size: 2624kb)
- Uyun al-Hikmah: e-text in word format. (from warraq)
- Risala fi’l ‘ashq (Treatise on Love) Trans. E. Fackenheim. (PDF, file size: 1919kb) also available in word file.
- al-Mubhathat (discussions) from Aristu inda’ al-Arab (Aristotle According to Arabs) edited by A. Badawi. (Arabic PDF 10200 kb)
- Ibn Sînâ. Lettre au vizir Abû Sa‘d. Editio princeps d’après le manuscrit de Bursa, traduction de l’arabe, introduction, notes et lexique, « Sagesses Musulmanes, 4 », Paris, Albouraq, 1421/2000, XII, 130*, 61, 4 et 186 p. ISBN 2-84161-150-7.
- IBN SINA – Ḥayy ibn yaqẓān [Mehren, 1889 edition]
- IBN SINA – Isharāt and ṭayr [Mehren, 1891 edition]
- IBN SINA – Kitab al-ʿarshiya [pdf]
- IBN SINA – Qaṣidat al-nafs [pdf]
- IBN SINA – Traité ur le destin [Mehren 1899 edition]
- IBN SINA – Traités mystiques [Mehren 1894 edition]
Attributed works (Questionably by Ibn Sina):
- Risala fi al-Huzn (from a rare Persian manuscript) (Arabic PDF, file size: 78kb)
- Danish Nameh Alali (Book of knowledge dedicated to Alai Dawlah) (In Persian) we are looking for it. If you have it do let me know.
- French Translation. (French PDF, file size: 27.2 Megs) 4 volumes.
In English & other languages:
- Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (973-1037): On Medicine ( link)
- Overview of Shifa. (link)
- Kitab al-mabda’ wa l-ma’ad (Annotated “exploratory” French Translation by Prof. Y. Michot.) (PDF, File size 427 Kb)
- Remarks and Admonitions Part One: On Logic (Vol. 1 Ishart & Tanbihat) Tr. S. Inati (PDF, file size: 5585kb)
- Ibn Sina & Mysticism (Vol. 4 Ishart & Tanbihat) Tr. S. Inati (PDF, file size: 4591kb)
- Danish Nameh Alali (Book of knowledge dedicated to Alai Dawlah) (Logic) pdf link.
- Mu’allfat Ibn Sina (Works of Ibn Sina) By: G. C. Anawati. (Arabic PDF 12701 kb)
- AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON IBN SINA (1970-1989) by: J. Janssens. (link: book Abstract.)
- There is also a supplement to the above. (link)
In Arabic:
- The inquiry of Avicenna concerning the corporal form by L. Khayrallah. Arabic word file.
- Ibn Sina and dental care (link: in Arabic). This site has a lot on the Medical theories of Ibn Sina.
- Childcare according to Ibn Sina (link: in Arabic).
- Cosmetics in the Canon (link: in Arabic).
- The distinction between existence and essence in the philosophy of Avicenna. by L. Khayrallah. Arabic word file.
- Explications de quelques arguments avicenniens contre la théorie des parties insécables. by L. Khayrallah. Arabic word file.
In English & other languages:
- Avicenna, Jon McGinnis, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN: 9780195331486.
- Avicenna and His Legacy, Y. Tzvi Langermann, ed. Turnhout: Berpols, 2009, ISBN: 9782503527536.
- A New Standard for Avicenna Studies. By D. Reisman (PDF) 3.5 megs.
- Avicenna His life and works. By S. Afnan. pdf format.
- Biography from History of Muslim Philosophy. (pdf) by Prof. F. Rahman
- Biography and works from the Encyclopedia Iranica. (www.iranica.com) (pdf) 4.2 megs.
- Biography & Works from Encyclopedia of Islam…(e-text)
- Biography & Works from Encyclopedia of Religion…(PDF e-text). (File Size: 498 KB)
- Biography & works from Routledge…(e-text)
- Avicenna on Casual Priority. M. Marmura. (PDF, file size: 543 KB)
- Avicenna on Theology A. J. Arberry. (pdf -link)
- Avicenna’s Chapter on the Relative in the Metaphysics of the Shifa. M. Marmura. (PDF, file size: 554 KB)
- Ibn Sina’s `Burhan Al-Siddiqin’ -Journal of Islamic Studies. Vol. 12, # 1. Jan. 2001. pp.18-39. pdf. (pdf -link complete e-text) By: T. Mayer
- La distinction de l’existence et de l’essence dans la philosophie d’Avicenna. Par: L. Khayrallah. (French- word file)
- Ibn-Sina on the human soul, in Notes and observations on natural science, Book II, Section 5. By J. Kenny O. P. (link)
- God Physics: From Hawkings to Avicenna. By: W. Carroll (e-text in word only 82KB)
- An article about the Danesh Nameh translated from Russian. PDF.
- Ibn Sina from: “A Medical History of Persia and the Eastern Caliphate” by C. Elgood. (link)
- An Evaluation of Ibn Sina’s Argument for God’s Existence in the Metaphysics of the Isharat, By: T. Mayer (link -Abstract only).
- Nader El-Bizri’s interpretation of Ibn Sina: (link -Book Abstract).
- International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine. (link)
Islamic Medicine organization has many articles in Arabic about Ibn Sina & Medicine. (link) - Über Ibni Sina und die arabische Medizin (link in German)
- Michot, Y. “A Mamluk Theologian’s Commentary on Avicenna’s Risla Adhawiyya: Being a Translation of a Part of the Dar’ al-ta’rud of Ibn Taymiyya with Introduction, Annotation, and Appendices” Part I, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2003 14:2 pp.149-203 and Part II , Journal of Islamic Studies, 2003 14:3 pp. 309-363 (PDF).
- Michot, Y. “Le Riz Trop Cuit Du Kirmânî: Présentation, Éditon Traduction et Lexique de L’épître d’Avicenne Contestant L’accusation d’avoir Pastiché Le Coran”, in F. Dalemans, et. al. Mélanges Offerts À Hossam Elkhadem par ses Amis et ses Éléves, Bruxelles, 2007. pp. 81-129. (PDF)
- Michot, Y. “Al-Nukat wa-l-faw`id: An Important Summa of Avicenian Falsafa”, in Peter Adamson, ed., Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Reception, Warburg Institue, London 2007, pp. 90-123. (pdf)
- 3rd Avicenna Study Group conference theme is going to be on the Avicennaian manuscript tradition.
- First Avicenna Study Group conference at Yale University March 2001.
- Avicenna Study Group at the World Congress of Middle East Studies Associations conference Sept. 8 -13 2002. (link)
- The Canon of Medicine from the Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine. (link)
- Image of Canon of Medicine. (Local.)
- AUB’s Saab Medical Library pages on the first printed Canon (link)
Links and Internet Biographies, just a sample of what is out there!:
- Basic web biography… (link)
- Good Biography with map of his trips. (link)
- A short Biography by Dr. A. Zahoor (link: much copied on the net!)
- A short Biography by Dr. M. Ahmed (link: much copied on the net!)
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy article on Avicenna. (link)
- A short Biography by T. Kjeilen. (link)
- yet another Biography by M. Christensen. (link)
- U.S. News is on it too. (link)
- BBC why not too! (link)
- The Encyclopedia Britannica entry. (link)
- The Catholic Encyclopedia entry. (link)
- Ibn Sina (the Mathematician) from a Math History site has very good info. (link)
- From the Philosophical Dictionary. (link)
- The window’s Philosophers. (link)
- Yet another Bio with different portrait. (link)
- Yet another Bio By Sr. D. Hess from University of Louisville. (link)
Portraits and stamps (Visuals):
- (Ibn Sina Gallery… Yes we see Ibn Sina everywhere here is more images from stamps, currency, TV, in stone, bronze, marble, etc. (Now 51 images in total) (LOCAL!)
Video & Audio too:
- An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia: Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Mehdi Aminrazavi discuss philosophy in Persia a Library of Congress event. (link)
- Science in a golden age: Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine narrated by Jim al-Khalili – Al-Jazeera production (link)
- Hidden Science Superstars: Ibn Sina (link)
- Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Great thinkers series: Ibn Sina. (link)
- Lynn Redgrave narrates: Avicenna & Medieval Muslim Philosophy. (link)
- Boo Ali Sina the movie (okay its a serial)… (link)
City of his birth and work:
- Avicenna’s city “Hamadan”. (link)
Tomb, statue, etc.
- Avicenna mausoleum. (link)
- Avicenna Museum. (link)
- The Avicenna Dome. (link)
- Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences (link)
- The Avicenna hotel in Istanbul. (link)
- Avicenna Virtual Campus. (link)
- Avicenna’s IQ. (link)
- Avicenna, Schools, Colleges, Clinics, Pharmacies, skin cream, hotels, etc… there is so much named after him.